Alright this has nothing to do with stamping or TAC but this is an 8 1/2 pound rainbow trout caught at Montauk State Park in Missouri and let me tell you my DH was one proud man as you can tell from the picture. In error I called it his Klunker and was immediately corrected to Lunker.This "prize" is in the process of being mounted so he can hang it in his "man cave". Do you have any idea how much it costs to mount a fish - how about $300. I said that it has nothing to do with stamping well indirectly it does...as long as the man is happy so am I and while the man is away the girl will play - that is stamping, shopping, eating popcorn for supper, going to bed at 8:30 and reading. Next week is TAC seminar and guess who is going fishing again???