I made this card for the wife of one of my Chemo Angels patient that passed away last week. I am enclosing the book with the card as I thought she might find some comfort in the verses, pictures, and inspirations in the book. I knew when I got this patient the prognosis was poor but his wife kept in touch with me and told me he looked forward to my cards and notes of hope and encouragement every week. I am so glad I was able to play a small part in his journey.
Girl - this is beautiful. I am so saddened that your chemo patient passed away. I know that you thought a lot of him and his wife. She will love the card, and the book, and will love knowing that you thought about them. Love your card... Hugs!
This is a lovely card... I am sure it will mean a lot to your patient's wife.
so awesome. I like this stamps, i want.
Shirley - I love your 'new look'!!! So springy and happy!!! Must do something with mine soon, but don't want to stop playing long enough to 'work'! lol
Hi Donni!!!
OH WOW!! THis card is gorgeous! I love the paperpeircing is sooooo cool as well!
Beauty card. It is always hard to lose someone you love and care for, but memories are a blessing that stay with someone a lifetime.
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